You might want to check out the draft final report before coming by, and make sure any issues you might have had with it have been cleared up.
An electronic neighborhood watch, maintained by the Logan Circle Community Association and focused on community events and issues surrounding Logan Circle. Serving our residents, business owners, and community organizations. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please email us at logancirclenews@gmail.com. We may publish some or all of what you send us, and will do our best to conceal your identity, unless you tell us otherwise. Thanks for your input!
LCCA Spring Fling:
Meet your Neighbors, Elected Officials and Community Leaders:
Resources for Condo and Apartment Dwellers
Date: April 9, 2008
Time: 7:00-9:00
Join the Logan Circle Community Association at a special April meeting to meet your neighbors, learn about neighborhood resources, and meet community leaders.
Light refreshments provided
Special Location—The Terraces at the Icon—1320 13th Street, N.W. between N and O Streets
Rain Location: Washington Plaza Hotel
For additional information, please contact desi.deschaine@logancircle.org or visit www.logancircle.org