Yesterday's LCCA Picnic at Hotel Helix was a great success. There was no official count, but at least sixty people showed up to enjoy the afternoon with their friends and neighbors. We were also honored to have Councilmembers Kwame Brown, Jack Evans, Phil Mendelsen, and Carol Schwartz stop by.
I have a few photos of the event. Sorry I didn't get more - I was too busy drinking beer and mingling with friends.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
ANC 2F Wrap-Up
There was a decent crowd, despite the monsoon outside. Have fun!
A quorum of 3 is present. The small quorum is because of the resignation of several of the commissioners. Present are: Chris Dyer, Charles Reed, Mike Benardo
- Joe Freeman, Director of Operations to Tender Loving Care. They have been acquired by Amedisys. Located at 1212 New York Avenue.
- I announced the LCCA June Newsletter, and the change of venue for the June Picnic from Pepco Park to Hotel Helix.
Crime Report
Officer Caron
- Spike in violence - mostly focused in 5D area. Issues are starting over informal craps games. Vice is working on catching them in-the-act. Be on the lookout for this kind of behavior.
- Mike Benardo asked about issues behind Shiloh Baptist around 3am. Officer Caron will be looking into it.
- A citizen asked about about all the buses and motorcades. It's related to the Israeli Prime Minister, and the presidential candidates being in the area.
- Mike Grady asked about the inagural ball security zones, which will be an upcoming concern during election year. You'll need ID to make sure you lived on a block.
- I asked about the home invasions. A guy was caught last week in Adams Morgan; he broke into a house occupied by two former Marines. Could be one of the culprits. No other major trends there.
Committee on Crime & Public
- Chairman Reed will be meeting with Councilmember Mendelson to allow ANCs to be considered victims for the purposes of allocution, as a matter of law.
EOM Report
Abbey Peterson
- Dumpster at 14th & P will be getting tickets for its nastiness.
- Helen Kramer has been working with EOM and Mike Smith on a prostitution house.
- Commisioner Dyer looked into the parking and right turn restrictions on K Street. He talked with the MPD Prostitution unit, and they still make arresets around there, and don't want to give up that tool.
DDOT Report
Chris Ziemann
- A public meeting open house has been scheduled for how the 15th Street reconfiguration should go. Thursday, June 19th, 6-8pm, at the 15th St. Presbyterian Church (15th & R)
- Chairman Reed raised a question about the re-paving of Kingman Street, which needs to be done after the re-work of Q Street. DDOT has said it's not on the schedule for at least two years, despite the fact that DDOT is currently doing major work there. Chairman Reed would like to see it re-paved entirely, rather than just patched.
- I asked about Smart Bike rack on Rhode Island, which is in total disarray. Chris says the program should be going by the end of the month.
ABRA Matters
- Izalco Voluntary Agreement - Moved and seconded to approve the voluntary agreement. Some minor non-material issues were resolved. Motion carried.
- CulinAerie was deferred until next meeting, at their request.
- Toscana West and Geisha are requested the ABC for substantial changes to their license. Since they're in the business district, and having heard no complaints from any residents about their operations, the ANC chose not to act.
- Vegas Lounge - Negotiations are under way with them, with Cooper Lewis condominiums as a party, for a voluntary agreement. Chairman Reed is confidant one will be reached, and should be presented at the next meeting.
- HR-57 - The voluntary agreement was accepted by ABRA.
- Single Sales Ban - Is Logan Circle in favor of the single sales ban? Chairman Reed asked the matter to be deferred until the next meeting, when more commissioners would be present.
- Stoney's - Their sidewalk cafe is probably illegal, there have been serious allegations of illegal construction, and there have been reports of patrons drinking beer on the curb outside of the establishment. Chairman Reed will be investigating, and will speak with the owner. Expect to see this coming up again soon.
CDC Report
- Everything on the consent calendar was approved.
New Business
- Dustin Cole was appointed as delgate to SMD 2F05.
- Morrison Clark hearing - The BZA denied the re-hearing, but did re-consider the motion. They passed it again, and Chairman Reed feels they failed to consider all the issues raised; he wants the ANC to agree to another request for re-consideration. Chairman Reed also feels that the level of proof required of the ANCs by the BZA is inappropriate for the type of organization an ANC is. Chairman Reed moved; Commisioner Dyer seconded; passed unanimously.
- Stephen Calcott from HPRB stopped by. He is the primary project reviewer for the Logan Circle neighborhood. Chairman Reed chided him for his mis-speaking that HPRB recommends that applicatants seek input from the ANC, as the ANC act requires the HPRB to seek input from the ANCs. Mr. Calcott agreed, but noted that the laws for HPRB and the ANC are somewhat contradictory, thus leading to some confusion there. In general, all sides agreed that the relationship between the ANC and HPRB is a very good one.
- Zip Car - Ellice Pérez from ZipCar was on hand. Chairman Reed noted that, when the ANC advised DDOT to approve their application for public space at 14th and Corcoran, that they would provide screening of the lot from the street, via vegetation or some other means, to help make what is otherwise just a nasty parking lot more beautiful. This hasn't been done. Ms. Pérez noted that, after speaking with Casey Trees, the original plan to plant trees was abandoned, as the site is an old gas station with some serious environmental problems. Chairman Reed suggested they hire a landscape architect, and offered to provide some names. Also, Chairman Reed noted that the church across the street was hoping to use some of their parking spaces on Sundays, but it was explained that that is infeasible due to how ZipCar works. Also, Chairman Reed noted that the issue of parking was likely going to cause pressure to have their public space street permits revoked, and Commissioner Dyer made an impassioned argument against that idea.
- Vacant Wading Pool - The wading pool at 11th & R has been a hazard for quite some time. The ANC voted to send a letter to Clark Ray at the Department of Parks & Recreation requesting that it be removed.
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