Thursday, July 24, 2008

Shot Spotter Mostly Avoids Logan

The City Desk blog has posted the following image of the boundaries of the areas covered by the long-in-coming-but-finally-here Shot Spotter. Originally billed as the "Shaw Shot Spotter", as you can see, it actually covers a much, much larger area.

On the one hand, it speaks volumes as to the overall crime picture here in Logan Circle that our neighborhood is almost entirely - and, it almost seems, intentionally - left out of the coverage area. On the other hand, with everyone buzzing about the recent murder in the alley behind Vermont Avenue, I have to admit it would have been nice to have coverage there.

(Thanks City Desk for the map!)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Protestors In Front of Studio Theater Hate Opera

It seems that the opening of Jerry Springer: The Opera at the Studio Theatre has attracted more than the usual dramaturgs. A reasonable contingent from the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (what a mouthful!) is outside protesting the play as blasphemous - complete with banners and bullhorns!

Christians Protesting the Opening of Jerry Springer: The Opera

At first, I thought it might have been a publicity stunt, but Studio representatives I spoke with confirmed that it was indeed a real protest. They were a bit confused as to why nobody took the 30 seconds to notify them of an impending protest on opening night. The pair of police officers stationed nearby, to watch the scene, indicates they likely do have the appropriate permits.

So if this doesn't convince you to go see Jerry Springer: The Opera, I don't know what will!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Information on Homicide in Vermont Ave. Alley

So by now most of us have heard about the homicide in the alley behind the 1300 block of Vermont Avenue. Heck, it even made DCist. Here's what is known, after a few days of processing and information gathering:

  • The call came in at around 2:00 AM on Thursday, July 17, to this alley.

  • The victim was dead at the scene, apparently from a gunshot wound to the head.

  • The victim has been identified as Derrick Green, who was a suspect in many of the robberies around our neighborhood.

  • It appears he was out in the alley to fight with somebody; and, well, as the saying goes...

If you have any information on this murder, please call +1 202.727.9099 or 1-888-919-CRIM. Or send an anonymous text messaging to 50411. There is a reward of $25,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.