Please join us for the annual observance of Memorial Day in Logan Circle Park on Monday, May 30, from 11 a.m. to noon. If you’ve not heard the history, plan to attend and learn the moving story behind General John Logan’s creation of the legislation that resulted in the national Memorial Day holiday. The program lineup includes a Joint Armed Services Color Guard posting of colors, musical selections from noted Washington National Opera and National City Christian Church soprano Alia Waheed, a re-enactment of the reading of the General No. 11 legislation establishing Decoration Day (which eventually became Memorial Day), readings from General Logan biographer Gary Ecelbarger, and greetings from local community and government officials. Program sponsors include the Logan Circle Community Association, the National Park Service, and the Illinois State Society of Washington, D.C.
The ceremony will be followed by a guided tour of the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House, located one-half block south of Logan Circle on Vermont Avenue, and a garden reception with refreshments sponsored by the Illinois State Society and entertainment by Raddy and The Cats. If you were on hand for last year’s concert, you’ll remember Raddy’s fabulous renditions of such hits as Satin Doll, Summertime, Route 66, and My Funny Valentine.
After the Observance in Logan Circle and Council House tour, plan to head up to Café Saint-Ex, 1847 14th Street, N.W., for the annual Mid-City Memorial Day Chili Cook-Off. The festivities begin at 11 a.m. and extend to 5 p.m., closing off the 1300 block of T Street for a Chili Smack Down competition and community festival. The afternoon will offer chili tastings from the best local chefs, flowing brews, live music and a family-friendly interactive Kids’ Zone, all to raise money for the local Garrison Elementary School.
Mark Your Calendar: LCCA Annual Picnic Is Sunday, June 12, 2011! LCCA’s annual picnic is confirmed for Sunday, June 12, from noon to 4 p.m., at The Residences at Thomas Circle, 1330 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. We provide the grilled items and fixins’; you bring a dish to pass. This is a great opportunity to greet longtime friends and make new ones. You do not have to be an LCCA member to attend!