In case you didn't know, Studio Theater is celebrating their 30th anniversary this weekend. The events started yesterday (more on that in a moment), but continue on today with backstage tours, a live band, open rehearsals for an anniversary production of the first show ever staged by the Studio, and various other things going on.
This is all going on during the run of the magnificent production of My Children! My Africa!, by Athol Fugard. I was privileged to see yesterday's two o'clock matinée showing, and I am compelled to state emphatically that this is one of the best shows I've seen in a long time, Caroline, or Change notwithstanding. The script is powerful and eloquent, and is delivered masterfully by an excellent cast. I highly recommend you take some time to see it.

Additionally, a proclamation from the Mayor was read, declaring September 29th and 30th, 2007 as "Studio Theater Days" in the District of Columbia. Not to be outdone, the Council voted unanimously to declare the entire week "Studio Theater Week".
So many thanks to everyone yesterday, especially to the Janet Dewar, and the entire Studio Theater Board of Trustees; and to Melinda, for making sure I got there on time.