Monday, January 14, 2008

311/911 Change-Up

A note from Assistant Chief Diane Groomes just came across the MPD-3D mailing list, detailing a change in how the city would like us to use the 311/911 services. Now, rather than using 311 for non-emergency police calls, we should call 911 for all police-related matters, whether emergency or not, as well as for fire or ambulance. From the email:

I met with the Office of Unified Communications last Friday and it has been discussed that ALL POLICE RELATED CALLS MUST BE CALLED INTO 911…311 will now be used for the Mayors Customer Service Requests

911 – all police related matters – emergency and non emergency, need of ambulance, fires

311- all other governmental agency requests/city services – cars towed, streetlights replaced, streets repaired, animal issues, abandoned vehicles, trees trimmed, trash pick ups, etc.

This all seems rather sudden - usually this type of thing requires months or years of public comment before getting done. And does the new 311 replace the old 202.727.1000 number for city services? Many questions abound...

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