Monday, October 31, 2005

The Commander Writes Back

In response to our earlier request for Officer Caron to receive a take-home car, here is what Commander Larry McCoy had to say:

Take home cars - I have 21 cars in the take home program, I believe, more than any other district. There is a process for the one car now open. As you might image, there is intense competition for it and several qualified canidates. (So let's continue our support for her application - please send those letters in - see previous posting!)

More police - There is a graduating class coming out of the academy next Friday. I am hoping to get several new recruits out of that class. If I do, I will be able to assign at least one to PSA 307. (One officer?!? Just one?!?)

Eagan to 307 (Travis Eagan, fellow Logan Circle resident) - We have an open season coming up real soon. This is an opportunity for officers to seek better days off and tours of duty, based on senority. Officers may move between PSA's. We'll have to see how that shakes out.

3D Awards Banquet - Set for 11-10-05, at the Thurgood Marshall Center, 1816 12th St., N.W. 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, the 3D CAC is trying to sell tickets, if you can pass the word. The Chairman, Stanley Mayes, can be contacted if anyone wants tickets 202-494-8581. Cmdr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks to commander mccoy for responding!